Whats your 3 best movies of all time?

siksa kubur : mengingatkan aku siksa kubur yang akan aku alami karena perbuatanku di bumi ini, jadi mokondo, ngutang nggak bayar, dan banyak lagi perbuatan maksiat yang aku lakukan.

3 Dara 2 : film wajib para mokondo.

Red Balloon : aku belajar banyak dari film ini.

Hi... Apakah kalian punya 3 title movies yg kalian bisa proudly recommend to people to watch and movies that you can watch again and again?
Kalau for me
1. Saving private ryan
There's always something about war movies for that drawn the bitter and romance of war movies.
2. Forrest gump
Mix of real world events and comedy in the movie have been absolute banger for me.
3. The Lord of the ring trilogy
I have so many things to say about lord the ring but the fantasy world has been one of fascinating things since when we are young. Especially if you are gamer or manga reader. Orcs, elves, and dwarfs. It is what give the stories life.

Then what yours top 3 movies guys?
Semua film John wick hu 😁
Hi... Apakah kalian punya 3 title movies yg kalian bisa proudly recommend to people to watch and movies that you can watch again and again?
Kalau for me
1. Saving private ryan
There's always something about war movies for that drawn the bitter and romance of war movies.
2. Forrest gump
Mix of real world events and comedy in the movie have been absolute banger for me.
3. The Lord of the ring trilogy
I have so many things to say about lord the ring but the fantasy world has been one of fascinating things since when we are young. Especially if you are gamer or manga reader. Orcs, elves, and dwarfs. It is what give the stories life.

Then what yours top 3 movies guys?
1. Wolf of wallstreet
2. Moneyball
3. The Passenger
1. the dark knight
Jokernya di sini juara bgt sih
2. Forrest Gump
Jgn di samaiin sma versi india ya..kan ada juga tu lupa judulnya apa
3. Wall E
Animasi yg menurut ku kena banget sma jama sekarang jika di manja sma teknologi